Saturday, February 19, 2022

Late February Help Request

Hello again,

My name is Lawrence W. Page II. Friends and family know me as Buddy. My pen name is Seven Star Hand. I am in Eugene, Oregon. I need someone to display both humility and courage and pay close attention to what I am saying and asking of you now. I am the key to stopping the racism and fascism that has peaked in recent years, and nothing else will work in time to avert the looming disasters we now face. There is no need to wait until the next election and hope it somehow succeeds. It will not because politics will not end this insanity, not without my intervention before then. I need help from others though, and I need it now.

I have been the long and well hidden agenda of the GOP, Trump, and cronies for the past two plus decades. I know this sounds hard to believe but I have the evidence to prove it and to finally stop them and turn their base against them in the process and thereby end this current insanity long before the election. I have been patiently leading them through a series of well laid traps the past 15+ years to gather evidence for the time that people would finally be ready to understand and have the backbone and good sense to help me, and thereby stop them. Most that I have contacted have turned a blind eye to my requests and my predicament as things have grown worse in recent years while nothing effective was done by politicians or the US Government.

I have contacted the FBI, DOJ, and local law enforcement on several occasions since 2009, and like most other people, they thought they knew better and/or were in cahoots with them and essentially threw me back to the wolves. Before I approach them again I want the help of others first. Numerous political leaders know who I am and clearly hoped I would simply die and go away.

The actions of pretty much everyone in recent years I have approached has allowed the GOP to wreak havoc because no one would take the time to understand why they have been acting so insane in recent decades. Now they are afraid for the nation to understand their part in letting the current insanity come to be when they could have stopped it years ago.

Now that their insanity has taken the entire nation to the brink of disaster, my warnings and pleadings of recent years can be seen as 100% accurate. Further, had the people I tried to convince to do something in recent years not been so arrogant and dismissive, the current insanity could have been stopped and prevented, years ago. Now, I am the ace in the hole for ending the insanity, saving democracy in the USA, and shutting down the racism and overt fascism that has peaked in recent years. I have methodically set the stage for this, but now I need the help of others to make it so.

I am again reaching out for help now that their house of cards is collapsing and they are desperately struggling to kill democracy by imposing voting restrictions and more to hang onto power and disenfranchise minorities and immigrants. Their persistence is driven by their in-common hidden agenda, which is me, and the fears of the Vatican and its rich and powerful cohorts about the truth concerning me, what they have been doing to me, and doing to keep the nation and world distracted by mayhem as they tried to ruin, destroy, and finish me off in ways that would allow them to avoid truth and justice.

It should be 100% clear by now they are being driven to these bizarre extremes by something more than the mundane reasons media pundits and politicians have been talking about. It should be clear to anyone with half a brain that politics has been completely ineffective. Continuing to spend time and money doing the same things is completely delusional and a death wish for the entire nation and ultimately the entire planet.

Not only do we have to be concerned with their efforts to destroy democracy in the USA, but climate change is growing worse, as are the disasters which are growing more frequent and bizarre. There is no more time to hope business as usual will somehow solve the problems it has caused and perpetuated. We are facing a series of true existential crises and it is time to think and act outside of the proverbial box.

Please read this document from last month and then please contact me, or if you wish, simply quietly help me using the payment links. Here is my LinkTree with more information. It also includes payment options. An email link is at the top of the LinkTree page, along with others.


Peace and Wisdom...