Saturday, November 9, 2024

Early November 2024 Help Request


I am your ace in the hole for stopping Trump and their fascist agenda, before they have a chance to do [far worse].

Note: No one has helped me as requested and now you see what Trump, Musk, and cronies are doing. This could have been prevented. It can be stopped before it goes further by simply helping me, finally.

Someone has to do something effective to help me now, without any further delays. Turning a blind eye to me, is why you are now being ruled by him and those around him. I am his/their long term hidden agenda, and have led them into a series of well laid traps designed to end their fascist agenda. You need only look at my face to understand their motive for years of racism and other BS.

Since I have already validated that far more people are paying attention than show in my friends list, I am again asking some to swallow pride, show some real courage, and help me remain safe now. Then to be able to very soon (days...) move into a safe, sane, quiet place to work. See my links near the bottom.

For years, I have been the victim of Trump, GOP, and the Vatican, who have made life very difficult for me as they were desperately scheming to take power, and use it against me directly. I have been more aggressively targeted by them during election years, as they kept the rest of the nation distracted with their antics.

I have documented years of stunning and verifiable proof that I am their hidden agenda. I am the motive for their racism and other tactics. They are putting the USA and world through this fear and promised mayhem to prevent me from putting an end to their age old dark games.

I have been reaching out for years and have received minimal help. Now, perhaps people better understand the dangers that I was warning about, while I was also preparing for them, while kept constantly under duress. One need only understand who I am, and their fears about me, to grasp why the aggressive racism was being used by them, since Trump started running in 2015. It grew more intensive in recent months because I was vulnerable, while at the same time leading them into the well laid traps I have been describing of late, and for years.

Want to stop Trump, their Fascist agenda, and the damage they will cause to the entire world through their fascist agenda and unchecked greed and arrogance? Want to end their ability to do the things they are threatening and now setting into motion? Think about what it will do to our planet for them to refuse to confront climate change, that is already causing widespread doom.

I have led them into a series of well laid traps, set 19 years ago, and targeted for right now, post election 2024. I have set the stage to change the nation's mindset to the point that even his base will reject their fascist agenda. Learning about me will turn them against everything they have done in recent years and plan to do in 2025.

All I am asking is the ability to have a safe place to live and work, now, without any further self serving delays. If that had happened before the election, Trump would not have been elected.

Too little too late is always too late for some. Turning away from helping me, is why the Democrats lost this election. Helping me now will end Trump and cronies agendas. I am the only thing that will work to awaken his religious voters to their hidden agenda of trying to stop the Prophet Elijah from freeing the world from the greed, arrogance, and hate that has only grown worse.

Second guessing me and expecting party politics to solve this was folly and foolishness of the highest order. Now, I need your help so I can have a safe place to live, like most of you do. If the good people of the USA, and especially those on the political left, can't bring yourselves to help me, then how are you not aiding and abetting those planning your doom?

Courage and humility, now, not later...!!! Too little too late towards me, specifically, is why you are now looking at a new Hitler, who should have been stopped long before this. I am your ace in the hole and you can thank me for enduring to be here right now, with the keys to saving all of your behinds, by helping me finally.

Here are my payment links, or use the one below.

Friday, October 7, 2022

Early October Open Letter Help Request


This is an open letter to everyone, including those that have unwisely doubled down on efforts to target me, to cause me problems and distractions in recent weeks. These are clearly in coordination with moves being made by Putin to keep people in fear and distracted on the international stage. His moves are purposely coordinated with the growing legal troubles and fears of Donald Trump and conspiring GOP members and cronies, including Putin and the Vatican.

I have tarried of late to give these people the rope to save or hang themselves, and so far, some have chosen the latter, again. This is another request for help, as I am between a rock and hard place now, because I have tarried so some would leave the evidence described herein, in recent weeks, and the months prior.

October 1st and early October is the 2nd anniversary (double time…) of the October surprise I sprung on Trump and cronies that led to all the scrambling, starting 10/1/2020, regarding whether he and those close to him were infected with COVID-19, or involved in a cover-up to hide their involvement in its release, just in time for 2020. Further, his actions to make sure it spread faster, during the election year, involved actions to trash pandemic response resources in 2018 and after, and the lies and overt actions taken to dissuade his base from wearing masks, to go for bogus treatments, and more, to ensure it spread faster.

I have proved in recent years, through a mountain of evidence, that Trump, the GOP, the Vatican and cohorts and cronies are obsessed with me and the things I write about. Hence, there is little coincidence to their actions, and to the timing of the pandemic, which started in 2019, matching the 19 encoded on my 2010 book cover. I have shown that underlying most of what they have done in recent years is their hidden agenda, which is struggling to ruin, and destroy me, and to try to cause my demise in ways they can blame on others. Further, they go to great lengths to keep everyone distracted and misdirected from the motives for most of what they do, openly, and secretly.

I have proved their consistent obsession with symbolic dates, birth dates, and more as part of their obsession with the occult and symbols, for all the wrong reasons. This has left a clear trail of evidence across the recent years, and even before. It is also well known that Trump, and those at the Vatican are obsessed with revenge and targeting me and others for the things I write about and have done to cause them troubles. They often merge their symbolic date and revenge obsessions to orchestrate events on the anniversary of things I did, and they disliked in previous years, on subsequent years’ anniversaries.

The above also applies to what he and cronies have been up to in court regarding the Mar-a-Largo documents case. There is a hidden agenda for the repeated delays that have more to do with what is happening regarding me, than with the documents themselves. I have tarried longer than most would have thought wise, to allow events to transpire, to prove yet again, they had hidden agendas for what most see publicly and on the national stage and attribute to other motives.

So, just as expected and warned about in my recent Facebook posts on this topic, there was a hidden agenda for when they filed the recent Supreme court delay on 10/4/2022, in the 11th circuit, and when the digits of that date summed to 11. Then, why Clarence Thomas gave the DOJ exactly 7 days to reply, which would be 10/11/2022, when that date’s digits summed to 9. This is also in part because the raid on Mar-a-Largo, and its timing, scared them about what the DOJ might be paying attention to, because of things I have documented in recent years.

My patience has paid off and I was served papers yesterday designed to make me homeless, and the date listed is 10/11/2022, the very same date Clarence Thomas gave the DOJ to reply. As I warned before it happened, they were, as always, planning something for me locally to coordinate with this timing. Further, with the anniversary of the October 1, 2020 surprise I sprung, that ultimately was the final nail in the coffin of his hopes to win that election, because of what they did with COVID-19, to try to steal the 2020 election.

Since they failed, and since I was exposing what they did, they started pushing the “stop the steal” and big lie, which can be traced back to 2016 when it was registered by Roger Stone. As always, they obsessively blame their opponents of what they are themselves guilty of doing. There may be other motives involved in recent timing, beyond the obvious, and beyond what I discuss herein, but I’ll save that for another discussion.

Besides what I have already written about the 7 day delay given the DOJ, the other relevant fact is today, the 7th (10/7) is Putin’s 70th birthday, which I explore more below. Further, I was delivered dual copies of legal papers designed to make me homeless, on the 2nd anniversary of the troubles I caused Trump, cronies, and the Vatican, which they failed to do on the first anniversary. They were given to me last night, on 10/6/2022 here, when the digits of that date summed to 13. Notice also the digits of 10/6 sum to 7, and those of 2022 sum to 6, hence 7+6.

This is a followup filing from the same law firm, that delivered two copies of the same document on 5/13/2022, which was Friday the 13th. So, it is obvious the timing and manner of these were well planned and designed to send a message to me, via two copies on two separate dates, two on Friday the 13th, and the other two on 10/6/2022, when the digits summed to 13. This is the same pattern shown on the 8/11 and 8/12 Charlottesville event in 2017.

I had avoided being made homeless again, thanks to the COVID-19 funds to pay rents, and it is what prevented me from being evicted back in May. So, they manipulated the funding agencies since then to cause me problems and so they could deliver this second attempt, last night, which would have been Putin’s birthday in Russia, due to the time difference. It was also two years after the troubles I caused them in October 2020, so they were trying get revenge for me exposing what they did regarding Covid-19 and causing problems for them ensuring they lost that election.

As I asserted in recent years, since the hoopla starting in 2017 about the 2016 election irregularities, Russia was used to create misdirection to hide the all too obvious Trump, Murdoch, Vatican links. I started seeing this back in 2013 following the Chelabynsk meteorite and how a Russian news story used details from one of my blog posts and then in 2014 after the 7/17 shoot-down of flight 17, above Ukraine. All they have really done though is to leave redundant evidence of the links between Putin, his KGB crony head of the Russian Orthodox Church, and the Vatican, as well as Trump, many in the GOP, and cronies.

In recent weeks, during September, I demonstrated things they were desperate to keep hidden about their timing of events, because of what it exposes about other crimes, in past years. Before that, things happened during August, hence the collection of documents from Mar-a-Largo on 8/8, and details in the later released affidavit, that caused them extreme fear that had zero to do with the documents themselves. October 1st, and the following days, was the two-year anniversary of the October surprise I sprung on Trump and Fox News, that caused them and him and those around him to scramble to obscure what they had done with COVID-19. So, that timing was one reason I tarried to give them the rope to hang themselves and leave evidence of the tactics they repeatedly undertake, towards me, and others.

For the entire time Trump was in office and since he lost, they have been struggling to make me homeless and cause me financial, legal, and medical problems in the hopes of distracting me to hinder my work, causing me problems, and causing my demise. In the years prior to his 2015 announcement, and following the publication of my books (2005-6, and 2010), I was aggressively targeted to make it difficult to find a place to live and work. From late 2014 to early 2017, I was aggressively harassed, and then eventually forced into kangaroo courts, falsely accused and then falsely arrested, and more in the hopes of “softening me up” and causing me dire problems before he took office.

I was homeless, living out of a car, for months from summer of 2017 into 2018, though I did manage to take breaks in motels to rest and clean-up, etc. On the night of 8/11/2017, I was sent funds so I could get inside on my birthday, but the booking was hacked and my funds tied up for several days as the result, during and immediately after the events at Charlottesville, Va.

Again, I have patiently shown that fascism is a cult, that is obsessed with the occult and symbols, but for all the wrong reasons. Now consider this well known event again, which focuses on the symbolic numbers 8 and 11, because of my 8/11 birthday on the one hand, and because fascists are obsessed with the numbers 8 and 11 for other reasons, too. Notice also, that besides all I have written about the importance of the number 17 in the Hebrew prophecies, that 1+7 also equals 8. H is also the 8th letter in the alphabet, and the first letter in Hitler’s name, hence 88 is a popular Nazi code, because of HH, which to them refers to Heil Hitler.

Notice also the selection and use of Q, for Qanon, because it is the 17th letter. I have also shown why Trump kept Hope Hicks at his side, because her initials were HH. Further, that Heather Heyer, with the same initials, was clearly targeted during that 8/12 premeditated killing at the Charlottesville event, using a car sporting a license plate containing 1111, on the day when the date’s digits of 8/12, also summed to 11, following the previous night's events on my birthday, 8/11.

While struggling to avoid becoming homeless in August of 2017, they orchestrated those events at Charlottesville, Va., with the Tiki Torch march on the night of my 62nd birthday, 8/11/2017, when the digits of that date summed to 20, and those of my age summed to 8, matching the month. Further, on 8/8/2017, when the digits of that date summed to 26, which reduces to 8, and is the reverse of my age. As shown, the Tiki Torch march was motivated by my posting of the Tiki Man video by DeadBolt, on 8/8/2014, and 3 years later, on 8/8/2017, three days before 8/11/2017. Also, by the 13th Warrior video showing the night time torch march. This also harks back to similar KKK marches, which of course made them do it for the intimidation value and the Tiki torches were added so I would know I was focused on me.

I am wrapping up this document on 10/7/2022, which is Putin’s 70th birthday, and the digits of that date sum to 14. So this is a good time to remind of the shoot-down of flight 17, on 7/17/2014, over Ukraine by a Russian anti-aircraft missile. That date alone is proof of a non-coincidence, and overt planning. Also, the digits of that date sum to 22, alluding to the double unto them double, statement from my prophecies in this life and in Revelation, which I have decoded after reverse engineering its symbology and removed the Christian interpolations, back in 2004-5, and since. I used my 2010 book and subsequent work to deliver more proof of this. Further, notice that 10+7=17, and Revelation 10:7 is the source of my 2017 book title, and 1:16 is the source of my pen name.

This is relevant because it shows Putin and Russians, using the same timing and tactics as the Vatican, Trump, and right wing leaders in the USA, and elsewhere. Since this, it has been shown that those involved in this act were Cossacks, who were religious right wingers in Russia, like Putin, and the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, who just happens to be a close KGB crony of Putin. Together, they are using religion and politics to manipulate the Russian population and their military, in the same way the GOP and Trump have been doing. The news since has left zero doubt about this observation. So, it is curious that 10/7/2022 is Putin’s 70th birthday, and the digits of today’s date sum to 14, matching the year 2014, and much else.

Conclusion and Help Request

I've have been put through a long pattern of dire predicaments by my misguided opponents for years and I survived and endured them and remained diligent to my work for the sake of the nation and ultimately the entire planet. I have put myself in real danger and survived and resisted taking actions that would have ruined what I was working on because of the vital importance to the future of all of humanity. I have patiently led my opponents through years of well laid traps so they'd leave evidence. I have tarried far beyond what many might have thought wise under normal conditions, but I have done so because these are far from normal times and the situation has called for out of the box thinking and actions.

Even as many of those I sought help from in recent years scoffed, laughed, or even sought to discredit and demonize me, and/or cause me further difficulties, I persisted and remained true to the goal of extracting the world from what I knew was coming. I have always fully understood that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and so I have persisted for most of the past two decades in compiling a mountain of evidence that no one else would have been able to pull off.

All the while, as I was being aggressively opposed, I led those behind those efforts through a series of well-laid traps to lead everyone to this time and set of circumstances, so that the worst could be avoided. Even though terrible things have transpired in recent years, they were not the worst cases, which we now face on multiple fronts. Because of my work, and my diligence most of the past two decades, you now have the evidence required to look past the obvious and see why they have been doing what transpired since 2001, (and before) and why.

You now have the proof of their obsessions with me, and the obsessive misuse of symbolism and occult practices to plan and orchestrate events and select people. Also, how that traces back to the Vatican and cohorts fears about the outcome promised by the Hebrew prophecies, for the early years of this century, which is also the early years of the 17th 360-year cycle on the Hebrew calendar. Further, what they have done to try to prevent those outcomes, which promise the end of their great power and wealth, when the truth about them is exposed, by me.

The use of Q (17th letter) and QAnon shows the great efforts they have undertaken to confound and misdirect from my work and at the same time struggle to demonize and discredit me, by proxy, via their clown acts and lies. It further proves they know the truth about these details but have lied about them, orchestrated aggressive misdirection, disinformation and used widespread violence in their efforts, just like they have done historically.

The big difference is they went to great lengths to hide their involvement in modern times, while still obsessively using the tactics I have documented for years. Too bad for them I saw through this over twenty years ago and have persisted through great difficulties and succeeded at exposing their actions and motives so others can finally understand and act upon them, when it counts.

I need your help now, without further delays, please...The previous contains my primary payment links. Please pay attention to the first for details on my needs. Now they are pressing and I need help before the 11th. Feel free to contact me for further info too.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Grasping the Keys to the Unfolding Apocalypses

Notice what is transpiring on the world stage right now? Notice Putin’s unhinged behavior and odd timing? Notice how insane the past two decades and especially the past 5–6 years have been? 

If you want this insanity to come to a safe and sane end and avert the worst case scenarios that can no longer be dismissed, someone (or more) with the resources needs to swallow their pride and suspend disbelief and simply help me so I can go public now, before it is too late. As you can see, my warnings across the recent years are not mere hyperbole and the only way this will end well is for someone to help me now, without further delays.

Certain leaders, religious, political, and financial, are serving the Vatican and cohorts, who are bat-shit crazy afraid of what the Hebrew prophecies promised for the early years of this century. This is also the early years of the 17th 360-year cycle on the Hebrew calendar, as encoded in Hebrew prophecies. They are aggressively spreading more mayhem, just as we have seen since the start of this century and millennium.

They have a hidden agenda driving them to such bizarre extremes, and it is because of me. They would rather start WWIII than have their followers, political bases, and citizens learn the truth about them and the religions and money they have long used to manipulate vast populations.

Now also notice that Q (aka QAnon) is the 17th letter of the alphabet? Simple insight that the fears of my discussions about the relevance of the 17th 360-year cycle on the Hebrew calendar, in my books, articles, and Facebook posts across the past two decades has led rich and powerful people to create a very specific disinformation operation. This and similar have been purposefully targeted at trying to demonize and discredit me while creating aggressive misdirection to keep their religious political base from understanding what I have been proving in recent years.

The Vatican and cohorts have known the timelines in Hebrew prophecies and prepared themselves for centuries to try to defeat the outcome of those prophecies, in the early years of this century. This is because the Hebrew prophecies promise the end of their power and great wealth when the truth about what happened two millennia ago, and across the entire two millennia since, and especially in recent decades is exposed. Those prophecies don’t promise the return of Jesus, but of someone else, referred to as the Prophet Elijah, which is why they fear people understanding the truth about me. I am who and what they have feared for centuries because I am the long promised proof of the truth they have been knowingly lying about their religions and related history.

The hidden agenda driving them to such bizarre extremes is their fears of the truth about me and proved by me. Notice their overt racist activities and stances that came to the forefront under Trump? Notice how racism never seems to go away here in the USA? I am the hidden motive for this. I survived decades of their efforts to ruin, destroy, and finish me off and the ever more aggressive actions to shut me down in recent years. I have patiently endured and led them through a series of traps to expose what they have been doing and why, while making sure others were watching. Consequently, they know this will soon lead to the end of their great wealth and power, just as promised long ago, and are thereby desperately struggling to keep the world in fear and distracted, as they struggle to shut me down while most are focused elsewhere.

Notice what Putin is doing right now? Notice the close relationship between him and Trump. Similarly notice the close relationship between Trump and Rupert Murdoch, who is a Vatican Knight. Notice how Fox and many GOP leaders were in fact supporting Putin openly, even during recent events.

Putin is acting at the behest of the Vatican and cohorts because they control the world’s monetary system that gives them their power. That was also why Trump acted as their front man in recent years as they struggled to keep people distracted and in fear in the hopes I would succumb. Since they failed to do so while Trump was in office, and he lost the election, you have seen the insanity by him and some of his base on 1/6/2021 and since.

Once again, notice how their overt racist activities and stances came to the forefront under Trump? This is merely the tip of the iceberg and I have proved much that they fear others learning. I am the hidden motive for their actions in recent decades, but especially since 2001.

If you want to understand some of what I have done to make these leaders go to such bizarre lengths right now, take the time to read the article linked at the end of this one.

I am the individual the Hebrew prophecies promised. I have been busy the past 15+ years driving these people to distraction by laying the groundwork for their downfall. The world is about to change dramatically for the better because I have endured their insane efforts against me and against everyone else while they have been trying to keep the world distracted from me.

I have been driving these people to distraction to cause their criminal behavior to expose their insanity and greed to the point the entire world is about to shut them down in disgust. Putin, Trump, GOP leaders, and others in power in the USA and others overseas know who I am. Some are hoping I succeed and others are desperate to stop me.

Most will not help me openly, but some have secretly. Now the shit has hit the fan and it is decision time to avert WWIII and avert climate change doom. Current events will also cause severe problems across the monetary system and will lead to great changes that end the current great wealth and power of those behind the recent years mayhem and insanity.

Clue, I never was named Jesus. The Vatican has known who I was since I was a child, long before I had any clue. Their efforts to cause me problems and ruin me is what led me to finally figure out what the hell was going on and why these people would not stop actively causing me problems. I figured it out about twenty years ago and decided to do something effective about it. Now they fear the consequences of what I have exposed about them and their deceptions and crimes to people with both the ability and now the motivation to stop them.

I need someone to think and act outside the proverbial box and do a very good deed right now. Pay very close attention that as I am about to lose my work for the past 20 years in storage, which includes evidence that Trump and cronies greatly fear, at the same time, Putin is causing a bizarre well timed distraction. This timing is zero coincidence.

People who have helped target me in recent years need to pay very close attention to these very specific and well coordinated events which are clearly happening during February and precisely as I am faced with deadlines that will lead to me losing years of evidence and worse.

I am in desperate need of someone to help me save 20 years of work and evidence I have in storage. I managed to negotiate an extension but 3/24/2022 is the last day. As Trump and GQP troubles peak and Putin is keeping the world distracted, they are putting the screws to me. I am also in need of help to get out of the hole they forced me into in recent years while trying to ruin and destroy me. I need to be able to find a safe and quiet place to live and work and that requires money and some help.

If you can help, please use my Paypal or LinkTree links since those are available to me immediately. I have gathered much evidence in recent years that drove Trump and the GQP and cronies to distraction and extremes. They are now putting the squeeze on me in the hopes of getting rid of evidence and that includes me, by making me homeless as everyone is focused on the great distraction being caused by their pal, Putin.

I need help immediately. If no one helps, they will be able to get rid of vital evidence. Now is crunch time for the world and I am the key to ensuring this ends well and a better world emerges from this dark chapter. I am not beholden to the Vatican or billionaires and I am not a politician. I have led many into well laid traps to bring them to justice. I have been enduring their bizarre efforts against me the past two decades and continuing my work to free the world and its peoples from the clutches of cruel and greedy leaders.

I am working for you and have self-sacrificed greatly, for years, already. These leaders are desperate because they know this year is when I am supposed to succeed against them. Now it is time to wrap up my long term efforts which are designed to bring safety and sanity to all life on this planet.

Please help me now…

Following is my recent article mentioned above, below it is my recent requests for help, then my recent Paypal Pools request, and following that is my LinkTree page.

Here is Wisdom (Eyes Wide Open - Here is Further Light)

Late February Help Request

Primary Payment links

My LinkTree Page...

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Late February Help Request

Hello again,

My name is Lawrence W. Page II. Friends and family know me as Buddy. My pen name is Seven Star Hand. I am in Eugene, Oregon. I need someone to display both humility and courage and pay close attention to what I am saying and asking of you now. I am the key to stopping the racism and fascism that has peaked in recent years, and nothing else will work in time to avert the looming disasters we now face. There is no need to wait until the next election and hope it somehow succeeds. It will not because politics will not end this insanity, not without my intervention before then. I need help from others though, and I need it now.

I have been the long and well hidden agenda of the GOP, Trump, and cronies for the past two plus decades. I know this sounds hard to believe but I have the evidence to prove it and to finally stop them and turn their base against them in the process and thereby end this current insanity long before the election. I have been patiently leading them through a series of well laid traps the past 15+ years to gather evidence for the time that people would finally be ready to understand and have the backbone and good sense to help me, and thereby stop them. Most that I have contacted have turned a blind eye to my requests and my predicament as things have grown worse in recent years while nothing effective was done by politicians or the US Government.

I have contacted the FBI, DOJ, and local law enforcement on several occasions since 2009, and like most other people, they thought they knew better and/or were in cahoots with them and essentially threw me back to the wolves. Before I approach them again I want the help of others first. Numerous political leaders know who I am and clearly hoped I would simply die and go away.

The actions of pretty much everyone in recent years I have approached has allowed the GOP to wreak havoc because no one would take the time to understand why they have been acting so insane in recent decades. Now they are afraid for the nation to understand their part in letting the current insanity come to be when they could have stopped it years ago.

Now that their insanity has taken the entire nation to the brink of disaster, my warnings and pleadings of recent years can be seen as 100% accurate. Further, had the people I tried to convince to do something in recent years not been so arrogant and dismissive, the current insanity could have been stopped and prevented, years ago. Now, I am the ace in the hole for ending the insanity, saving democracy in the USA, and shutting down the racism and overt fascism that has peaked in recent years. I have methodically set the stage for this, but now I need the help of others to make it so.

I am again reaching out for help now that their house of cards is collapsing and they are desperately struggling to kill democracy by imposing voting restrictions and more to hang onto power and disenfranchise minorities and immigrants. Their persistence is driven by their in-common hidden agenda, which is me, and the fears of the Vatican and its rich and powerful cohorts about the truth concerning me, what they have been doing to me, and doing to keep the nation and world distracted by mayhem as they tried to ruin, destroy, and finish me off in ways that would allow them to avoid truth and justice.

It should be 100% clear by now they are being driven to these bizarre extremes by something more than the mundane reasons media pundits and politicians have been talking about. It should be clear to anyone with half a brain that politics has been completely ineffective. Continuing to spend time and money doing the same things is completely delusional and a death wish for the entire nation and ultimately the entire planet.

Not only do we have to be concerned with their efforts to destroy democracy in the USA, but climate change is growing worse, as are the disasters which are growing more frequent and bizarre. There is no more time to hope business as usual will somehow solve the problems it has caused and perpetuated. We are facing a series of true existential crises and it is time to think and act outside of the proverbial box.

Please read this document from last month and then please contact me, or if you wish, simply quietly help me using the payment links. Here is my LinkTree with more information. It also includes payment options. An email link is at the top of the LinkTree page, along with others.


Peace and Wisdom...

Monday, January 10, 2022

Latest Request for Help - January 2022.


Hello all,

I am in dire straights, so please be patient, and read this, and if you can help, please do so quickly. This will go away when I am successfully out of the predicament I face.

I have been working to get through to someone (or more than one) able and willing to help me out of the predicament I have been stuck in, for the recent several years. It seems too much for most to believe or perhaps most with the ability to help don’t have the compassion to do so because of what money does to people. What ever the reasons, I am now and again between a rock and a hard place and struggling to save my work and my evidence accumulated over the past twenty years.

I am sorry to be so persistent with my dire needs, but as I have been saying and asking, I need someone to show some courage and compassion and finally help me out of this predicament that has been imposed on me in recent decades by the Vatican and its rich and powerful cohorts. I am the hidden agenda of Trump and the GOP in recent years, as the result.

They have put the entire nation through the mayhem of recent years out of fear of the truth about me and what they have done to me and done to keep the world distracted and turned against helping me. They have worked to cause me problems for the past few decades, but most especially the past two after I started writing and working on the internet publishing and posting things they fear the rest of the world understanding. Consequently, I have been forced to endure two decades of bizarre and aggressive harassment, attempts at intimidation, entrapment, false accusations, false arrests, kangaroo courts, and more. 
They have gone to extreme lengths to make things unsafe for me and to make it hard for me to find a safe quiet place to live. Most people would never have survived or been able to continue working as I have been. Because I have survived what they have been doing and managed to lead them through a series of traps to gather evidence required, they have been growing more desperate and insane in recent years.

Everyone has been a witness to this but almost no one has understood what has been driving them to such insane behavior and bizarre lengths, without a break, for decades. They have been working overtime to keep the nation and the world distracted from me and from what I have been exposing about their lies and continual pattern of bizarre crimes. Now they are trying to finish the job and get rid of the evidence, which means also getting rid of me.

Surely, there is one (or more) person(s) with resources who has been paying attention that sees the value in helping me and finally ending this insanity before they succeed in getting rid of my work and years of evidence and causing me far more problems. I have been asking for years and because I have survived to be here now, they have been acting more desperate and insane.

Helping me is the key to finally ending the insanity that the nation and world is facing and setting the stage for a sane and safe future for everyone. Following are the key details and the relevant payment options are below what follows.
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If you are willing to help me out of the hole completely to help me find a safe place to live, and upgrade my computer equipment, then the amount needed is a minimum of $20,000. More will help more of course. If you can't afford the entire amount, anything will help. Also, if you know of others who could help me now please refer them to me.
 My payment links are at the end of this document.
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For recent insights, and proof I am telling the truth, about my predicament and who has been behind it, following are links to recent twitter threads. There is much more than this though. Please take the time to read them. There is more in my GoFundme description too.

Also a direct link to my recent article titled Eyes Wide Open-Here is Further Light

Following are my primary payment links.
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Paypal pools request.

My Paypal Pools Payment Page

My direct Paypal link.

My LinkTree
My CashApp.$LawrencePageII 
Payment links document with more details.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Zodiac Timeline Chart

Click for a larger image

The above zodiac based timeline chart is taken from the start of chapter eight titled "The End is About Time" in my 2010 book, Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols. The blog article at the previous link is taken from the preface and the first link in the first paragraph is a direct link to the free PDF version of the book.